Upcoming Events

Sites of Slavery, Resistance, and Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Anne Arundel County Tuesday, April 9th7:00 pm Online LectureHosted by Historic Annapolis$15 – Register here Lisa Robbins will be presenting the findings of an 18-month study on the housing of enslaved and free-Black tenants in Anne Arundel County during the 19th century. The study will also cover

Other Resources

Interested in searching out a bit of local history on your own? Here are a few useful websites and organizations of interest: Local Agencies and Organizations Anne Arundel County Cultural Resources Division Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks Department Four Rivers Heritage Area Anne Arundel County Trust for Preservation, Inc Statewide Organizations Maryland Historical Trust,

Archaeological Sites

Over the years, the Lost Towns Project has collaborated with partners on research projects covering all facets of Mid-Atlantic cultural heritage. Our early work included searching for the Lost Towns of Colonial Maryland, including Providence, Herrington, and Londontown, while more recently, a multi-year effort to study and document the lost Native American complex at Pig Point

Catalog of Papers, Articles, & Academic Works

More than 25 years of Professional & Scholarly Inquiry into the Cultural Past of the Mid-Atlantic Over the years, the results of a broad range of research and archaeological investigations conducted by the Lost Towns Project have been captured in often difficult to access “grey literature.” Some of the Lost Towns Project’s larger and long-term