Jug Bay

  River Farm and the Pig Point Complex Archaeologists spent the summers of 2015, 2016, and 2017 digging at the River Farm site, located one mile away from Pig Point on the Jug Bay portion of the Patuxent River. The 2015 and 2016 field seasons were sponsored by federal Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Fund grants and

Quaker Sites

Maryland was home to the first successful settlement of the Society of Friends in the colonies.  George Fox, an Englishman, came up with a doctrine of faith in 1652 that he called the Religious Society of Friends, and its first tenet was that everyone can commune with God, and thus there is no need for

Herrington (1660s)

The Lost Towns Project conducted an extensive archaeological survey of the suspected site of the town of Herrington in 2001. Perhaps the second oldest settlement in the County, historical research along with several diagnostic artifacts indicate that Herrington not only;y survives, but may date as early as the 1650s. The 100-acre survey project centered on an area

Providence (1649)

Providence, the first European settlement in Anne Arundel County, was established on the shores of the Severn River and Whitehall Bay in March of 1649.  It was settled by a group of about 300 non-conformist Puritans. These pioneers came to the shores of Anne Arundel County at the invitation of the Catholic Lord Baltimore. They established

Lost Towns Newsletters

  The Lost Towns Project originated informally under the Anne Arundel County Trust for Preservation, Inc. With the sponsorship of the Cultural Resources Division of Anne Arundel County, ACT, Inc. produced a  newsletter for years, titled, Letters from Lost Towns. This newsletter informed the public on recent archaeological and historical discoveries in Anne Arundel County, MD. Since 2014, the AACo Cultural Resources Division took over